Born Advokater has acted as legal advisor to Backaheden Fastighets AB (publ) in the acquisition of four properties for SEK 150m financed by a rights issue of approximately SEK 111m

Born Advokater has represented Backaheden Fastighets AB (publ), listed on Spotlight Stock Market, in the acquisition of four properties worth approximately SEK 150 million from Hedin Group AB, financed by a fully secured rights issue of approximately SEK 111 million and a senior bank loan.

A prospectus for secondary issues was published in connection with the rights issue, approved by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority (sv. Finansinspektionen).

The property portfolio comprises the properties Skövde Macken 2, Varberg Drönaren 1, Getinge-Brogård 2:16 and Enköping Hagalund 1:27. The property portfolio encompasses modern automotive facilities, collectively offer a rentable area of 10,217 square meters. The buildings on these properties have been tailored to align with the specific operational requirements and needs of the tenants. Additionally, they are strategically situated in proximity to key Swedish highways.

Backaheden Fastighets AB develops and manages properties in cooperation with the tenants, supporting the tenants on a long-term basis in their daily operations. The goal is that all tenants’ operations shall function as efficient as possible.

Responsible from Born:
Responsible partners were Erik Borgblad.

The team, specialist counsel Linnea Torbjörnsson and Jan Öhgren. Associates Linn Brandt, Jakob Axelsson, Anton Andersson, Ludvig Filhm.