Born Advokater has acted as legal advisor to VO2 Cap Holding AB (publ) in connection with the acquisition of Livewrapped AB.

Born Advokater has assisted VO2 Cap Holding AB (publ) in connection with the acquisition of all shares in Livewrapped AB. The total purchase price for the shares amounts to approximately SEK 70.6 million and consists of a fixed amount of  approximately SEK 25 million, plus net cash, and an additional earn out which may amount to a maximum of approximately SEK 40 million. Of the fixed amount, approximately SEK 10.6 million will be paid in cash and approximately SEK 20 million will be paid in the form of newly issued shares in VO2. Closing took place on April 21, 2022.

Responsible from Born:
Responsible partner,  Erik Borgblad.
The team, associate Erica Juhlin