Born Advokater has acted as legal advisor to Aros Bostadsutveckling AB in connection with the acquisition of approximately 1 500 building rights (Sw. byggrätter) from Alm Equity AB. The total purchase price for the building rights amounts to SEK 1,465,000,000 and payment is made in common stock, preferred stock and convertible shares in Aros Bostadsutveckling AB. The transaction/share purchase agreement is subject to, inter alia, shareholders’ resolutions and approvals from investors.
Link to press release:
Responsible from Born:
Responsible partner, Erik Borgblad.
The team, senior associates Linnea Torbjörnsson and Jan Öhgren and associates Anton Andersson, Soroosh Ehsanzamir, David Westermark and Fredrik Anstrin.